Cupro Nickel 70/30 Sheets & Plates

Om Export India industry have managed to acquire a prominent market in manufacturing, exporting and supplying wide range of Copper Nickel 70/30 Sheets & Plates. We provide the client friendly approach to meet the demands of our customers to satisfy their needs.

Copper Nickel 70/30 Sheets & Plates are manufactured using premium quality copper. These sheets and plates comes in various shapes, sizes, length and thickness. Further they can also be molded according to the needs and demand of the customers. They come in different forms like rolls, coils, foils, ring (flange), perforated sheets, chequered plates, shim sheets and plain sheets. They have different length like double random, single random and cut length. They also vary in finishing like some sheets and plates have hot rolled finishing, some have cold rotted finishing etc. they also comes in different hardness types like soft, hard, half hard, quarter hard, spring hard, etc.

Cupro Nickel® Alloy 70/30 Perforated Sheets, Cu-Ni Alloy 70 / 30 CR Sheets, 70 / 30 Copper Nickel #4 Finish Plates, Copper Nickel Alloy ASTM B151 70 / 30 Plates, 70 / 30 Copper Nickel Chequered Plates Stockists, ASTM B151 Cu-Ni 70 / 30 Sheets Exporter, ASTM B151 Copper Nickel 70/30 Coils Supplier, Cu-Ni 70 / 30 Shim Sheets, Copper Nickel Alloy 70 / 30 Hot Rolled Plates, Cu-Ni 70/30 Sheets and Plates Manufacturer in India.

The sheets are used in condensers, power plants, seawater piping and exchanger shells. The plates are used in flexible metal hose, weld wires, boiler parts and welding backing rings. These sheets and plates are also used in various industries like chemical industries, pharmaceuticals, power industry, sugar mills, pulp and paper industry, and cement industry.

Due to high corrosion resistance, excellent tensile strength and flexibility the Copper Nickel 70/30 Sheets & Plates are highly in demand. These sheets and plates also have properties like anti corrosive, high thermal and electrical conductivity. They also have good mechanical and magnetic properties. The sheets are rigid in nature and also have cost viability.

ASTM B151 Cupro Nickel 70 / 30 Cold Rolled Sheets, 70/30 Cupro Nickel Chequered Plates Stockists, UNS C71500 Strips, DIN 2.0882 Plates, Copper Nickel 70 / 30 Hot Rolled Plates, Cupro Nickel 70 / 30 #8 Mirror Finish Plates, Cupro Nickel UNS C71500 Shim Sheets, Cu-Ni Alloy DIN 2.0882 Sheets Dealer, Cupro Nickel Alloy 70 / 30 2B Finish Plates, ASME SB151 Cupro Nickel 70 / 30 Sheets and Plates Supplier in India.

They have good toughness, excellent surface finish, and rugged construction, have the ability to withstand in high temperature areas and in heavy loads, excellent dimensional accuracy. The sheets and plates also have the ability of oxidation.

Before Copper Nickel 70/30 Sheets & Plates are packed and shipped to the customers they undergo various testing processes to meet the quality and standards of the product. Some of the tests includes pitting resistance test, hardness test. macro/micro test, intergranular corrosion test, positive material identification test, flattering test chemical and mechanical test.


Cupro Nickel 70/30 C71500 2.0882 NiCr20CuMo Z2NCUD31-20AZ

Specification of Cupro Nickel 70/30 Sheets and Plates

Cupro Nickel Sheets and Plates Specification : ASTM B151 / ASME SB151
Dimension Standard : JIS, AISI, ASTM, GB, DIN, EN, etc
Width : 1000mm, 1219mm, 1500mm, 1800mm, 70 / 300mm, 2500mm, 3000mm, 3500mm, etc
Length : 70 / 300mm, 2440mm, 3000mm, 5800mm, 6000mm, etc
Thickness : 0.3 mm to 120 mm
Form : Coils, Foils, Rolls, Plain Sheet, Shim Sheet, Perforated Sheet, Chequered Plate, Strip, Flats, Blank (Circle), Ring (Flange) etc.
Surface Finishing : Hot rolled plate (HR), Cold rolled sheet (CR),2B, 2D, BA, NO.1, NO.4, NO.8, 8K, mirror, Chequered, embossed, hair line, sand blast, Brush, etching, SATIN (Met with Plastic Coated) etc.


Grade Cu Mn Pb Ni Fe Zn
Cupro Nickel 70/30 65 min 1.0 max 0.05 max 29-33 max 0.4-1.0 max 1 max


Density Melting Point Tensile Strength Yield Strength (0.2%Offset) Elongation
0.323 lb/in3 at 68 F 2260 F 50000 psi 70 / 3000 psi 30 %

Cupro Nickel Alloy 70/30 Sheets and Plates Application Industries

Our Cupro Nickel 70/30 Sheets and Plates are used in a wide range of applications and various industries. Below are a few of them:

  • Petrochemical Industry

  • Oil and Gas Industry

  • Chemical Industry

  • Power Plant Industry

  • Energy Industry

  • Pharmaceuticals Industry

  • Pulp & Paper Indusry

  • Food Processing Industry

  • Aerospace Industry

  • Refining Industry

Latest Price List of Cupro Nickel Alloy 70/30 Sheets and Plates

Om Export India is one of the leading manufacturer and supplier of 70 / 30 Cupro Nickel ASTM B151 Sheets and Plates, Copper Nickel Alloy 70 / 30 ASME SB 251 Coils, 70/30 Cupro Nickel Alloy Foils, 70 / 30 Cu-Ni Strips, ASTM B151 70 / 30 Perforated Sheets, ASME SB 251 Copper Nickel® 70/30 Sheets, Plates, Coils at the best price in India.

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